Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Calling the Play (Birmingham Rebels #2) by Samantha Kane



Reviewed by Tabatha


Overall I enjoyed reading Calling the Play, but I won't say that I was blown away by it either. Am I the only one that thinks this one just ended really abruptly? I just felt like it ended with no real rhyme or reason giving this book a less than stellar finish. That kind of irritated me, because I thought there was more to the story than that.

Now the sex scenes, whew did those pack that awesome Samantha Kane punch as always. But on the other hand, we were also teased with a few scenes that were never followed through as well. Not nice to tease, Samantha. *tisk tisk* Anyhoo, that was kind of a let down, but the biggest one was the the weak plot and the lack of emotional connection I felt between the characters. Maybe it's just me. *shrug*

I really want to love this series, trust me I do. It has all the right components that I love, but it just isn't working for me the same way Kane's books have in the past. Her Brother's in Arms series is fantastic! Now I think the potential is there though, so I'm definitely not going to be giving up. Like I said, I enjoyed this book but I didn't love it. If you love menage, then you are going to enjoy it too because it is worth reading just for those sex scenes alone. *winks* Now I wonder who is next of the Rebels. Danny and Tim perhaps? Guess I will wait and see!

*I received a review copy from the author/publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.*

For more information about this series or Samantha's books, please check out her website. 


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