Thursday, June 25, 2015

Unraveled by Alyssa Breck



Reviewed by Kim


This is the first book I've read by this author, but it will not be the last! 

I loved this book from start to finish. It had hot guys, music, shy women and intrigue. What more could you ask! I found this book to be in the same vein as Lexxie Couper's Heart of Flame series. You have the whole rock and roll background, but it's more about who the characters are and not that they are just Rock Gods, which is what really drew me into the story. 

The characters are well drawn out and exciting. Not a single time did I find myself thinking...would they really do that? They all remained completely in character throughout the book. I loved that they had to spend time apart, and that it didn't get all droopy while they weren't together. These are two intelligent people that are responsible and had lives before. Evie didn't give up her life to follow her rock star and that is just fantastic! The intrigue of the crazy fan was just perfect, but we got to see even before that circumstance threw them together that there was a spark, a chemistry that they were both on the verge of recognizing. This event just pushed them farther along in their journey to each other. I do hope that this is only the beginning of a series, but if it's not, that's okay too. We weren't left hanging wondering what was going to happen.  It really was a perfectly blended, full story book!

*An ARC was provided for honest review from the author.*

If you'd like to check out more about this book or other books by Alyssa, please head over to her website.



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